Senin, 23 September 2013

Traditional Performance in Jogya

Wayang Kulit or Leather Puppet Plays in the original form of a shadow-play appears to be Javanese creations that contain many substance of Javanese culture and values. Wayang Kulit or leather puppet shadow-play, has been existed long before the arrival of Hindu culture.

During the Neolithic period, wayang performances at first consisted of religious ceremonies that took place at night in order to worship "Hyang". This performance portrays heroism of the ancestor taken from the mythology.

The traditional play is performed in Javanese language, the original language of Jogyakarta. The main feature is the dialogue between the caracters proceded by a Javanese Song. Ketoprak is accompanied by Gamelan music that is guided by "Keprak" a slit a wooden signal box with mallet.

The dancers in Jatilan use flat hobby-horses made of folded bamboo. the dance is always performed outdoors accompanied by special music using parts of gamelan like a Saron, a kendang and a small gong.

One of the most popular dances in the world is Ramayana Ballet. The story of Ramayana or the tale of Princes Rama is depicted on the wall of Prambanan temple. Although there are many other Ramayana Ballets in other places, performance that showed in Jogyakarta is the distinct one since it is performed on the open-air theatre.

This open-air stage situated at the western side of Prambanan temple. Visitors can enjoy the condensed full story of Ramayana at Trimurti theatre, a modern indoor theatre located at the southern side of the open-air theatre every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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